Getting Started: How Do I Get One Of These HotSpots

How Do I Get One Of These HotSpots?

You ready to get started?

Any Helium HNT supported Hotspot will work.  There are units from Nebra, RAK, BobCat and  These are the main supported units.  

* DIY hotspots are no longer able to generate HNT, though they can still participate in the network.  Basically unless you actually have an IoT need for yourself, don't bother with a DiY hotspot *

BEWARE: these are HOT commodities right now and there are a LOT of scammers out there.  Use these links or the links directly from the Helium site.

There are several options:

1.) Join with me on iHub -

I got lucky and already have my hotspot in operation.  More hotspots are expected to ship from iHub within the next 4-6 weeks.

They currently only work with the RAK v2 hotspots, but are looking to add other hotspots to the options.  This is a limitation of manufacturing right now, not technology.

The only cost to you, is for the HotSpots that you purchase.  No ongoing costs (aside from the necessary electricity and data your device uses on your end), no recurring purchases.  

I have already purchased 2 and will purchase 6 more shortly.

2.) Open Market - expect to wait 12-20 weeks for shipping, depending on where you fall in the queue.

Nebra -


BobCat - -

3.) eBay

Be prepared to spend upwards of $10,000 for a single in-hand unit and quite often 2-3x the price for a pre-ordered unit from the manufacturers above.  You'll also find many DIY and older units available.  

At this point, just simply avoid eBay for these.


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