Intro Part 2: Good Overview of the Hotspots Themselves

Helium Hotspots

How and Why is this network around?  What do they do and why do they pay?

Good high level overview of how the hotspots work: Zoom Replay

Good Details on getting the most out of your miner, antenna and placement of other miners:

Specifically these are little (like 2” by 3” with a small antenna and power cord) radio repeater devices that need to be plugged into the wall and connected to your WiFI.  They use about the same electricity as a 5W light bulb.  Using the radio frequency, they both communicate with each other, and with a variety of IoT devices.  These devices require a node or mesh based network, where the individual devices are spread out geographically.  The sweet spot seems to be between 300 meters and a couple of miles between them.

Your devices will connect to other devices that are nearby, regardless of who actually owns or hosts them.  So you could do this even if you only happened to own a single device.

Currently around 26,000 units worldwide.  Need about 3,000,00 units in place to cover the entire US alone.  Expect 3-5 years to fully build out the network.

This is a kind of network or affiliate marketing program, at least the way that they pay out/share the revenue is based on that.  Though there are no monthly fees, auto-ships or anything.  In this case, the technology actually supports and works well with this kind of program.  Having more than 1 at any one location does not do much for you (in some cases they may ignore each other and thus not actually earn anything).

The devices range from about $350 to $460 each.  The miner recommended by this program is actually the RAK Hotspot Miner v2, which is generally considered one of the best miners available.

You could do this yourself, without the MLM group…however due to that requirement of the devices to be geographically separate, it makes little sense to get any more than 1 per location.  This is where the affiliate marketing concept really comes into play.  Essentially build a network of people who each have one of these devices and they end up sharing in the overall greater token generation across the network.

Moving outdoors with an expanded antenna seems to dramatically increase the earnings potential.  Really just the antenna needs to be outside.

You can see some more info and join the network here:

I have a bunch more information.  If you have questions let me know.


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