Getting Started Part 3: Why Go Though iHub?

iHub Global is an affiliate marketing program with the Helium IoT Hotspots, currently working with RAK v2 hotspots, though there are plans to offer other hotspot devices through the program.

Good iHub Intro Overview: Zoom Replay from 5/10/2021

This is not however a straight affiliate link through the manufacturer.  There is actually a marketing company behind iHub that does provide some additional services beyond simply selling hotspots.

Under this program, the OWNER of the hotspot (the person who actually purchases the unit) gets 50% of the HNT generated.  The HOST (the person at who's location the devices is located) gets 10% of the HNT generated.  The person who REFERRED the owner into the program, gets 10% of the HNT generated.  The remaining 20% of the HNT is claimed by iHub to pay for operations and its partners.

There is an overly complicated affiliate payout plan, but I prefer to simply think of it as a 10% referral commission for everyone that you refer, who actually buys and installs a hotspot.

Now you may be thinking, why should I have to give iHub (or anyone else) anything?   Can't I just buy 1 on the open market and keep all the HNT?

Well, you sure can.  To be honest this was my first though as well.

However I did some more investigation and then the 1 per location limitation of the network sunk in.  I could have 1 at my house, I have my parents and my brothers house...well thats pretty much it.  But I have dozens of friends who I want to tell about this.

Thats where the affiliate marketing really makes some sense.  Sure, I could simply ask them to place a unit in their house.  But then I have to support it and purchase it.  I'd rather simply refer them into the program.

There are a few other advantages working with iHub as well.

First there is actually a company and a support team behind BUILDING THE NETWORK.  The device manufacturers are only there to build the devices.  They really don't care about your success or the overall success of the Helium IoT network.  In addition to support, iHub also is working on marketing support, they do training calls and there are many people with a vested interest in your success.

Second, they have BUYING POWER.  iHub has hundreds, if not thousands, of affiliates.  They can help to expedite the purchasing of hotspot devices.  Currently in the open market, new orders are generally shipping in 12-20 weeks (thats 3-5 months).  iHub units are shipping in 3-4 weeks, so we should all be getting our devices much quicker.

Third, they are taking care of some of the provisioning work for you and providing tools for you to be able to update or move devices in the field.  Nothing that cannot be done, with a bit of technical know-how, but they have the staff to take care of this for you.  So its damn near as easy as plug-n-play as it can be.

Finally, there is benefit in the fact that iHub is building a set of tools to help you manage those devices in a common back-end.  Buying them on the open market, means that you would have to provision and manage each individual hotspot.  Maybe not a big deal with a couple of hotspots, but could really get problematic if you have many to deal with.  As far as the normal software tools are concerned each individual hotspot is an island onto itself.

All this being said, I think that for most people the iHub Global program, makes the most sense.  I'd encourage everyone to join and get at least 1 hotspot for yourself.


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