Helium IoT Hotspot

The Quick Rundown

The Quick Rundown:

It’s a little radio hotspot supporting Internet of Things devices, on the Helium blockchain.  It uses a bit of electricity and WiFi, then pays out in the HNT token which can then be held or sold on the crypto markets.

For example, my single hotspot earned me over $900 in April and over $1300 in May.  But really I would not expect that all of them will have that level of performance, some will have less, some will have more.

There are options for owning your own hotspot ($500 each), hosting one of our hotspots (no cost) or referring other people into the network (earning a 10% referral).

The hotspots are about $500 each (if you wanted to own it) and limited to 1 per physical address (I.e. your home or office).

If you had multiple locations you could place multiple units, for example, I have 1 unit at my house and will be putting units at my brother's house and my mom and dad's house.

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