Crypto Currency: This is too good to be true!

Is This Too Good To Be True?

Check my post on the Brass Tacks and Who Pays for This? for more information on the how and why off all of this.

I installed my Helium IoT Hotspot on April 24th, and had it operational on the network within a few minutes.  After that, I basically just let it sit.  At this point, I have only 1 hotspot working, and no commission from referrals.

Check out my hotspot here: Itchy Sapphire Reindeer.  The names are randomly generated :P

On April 30th, the HNT generated (since April 24th) was tabulated for payout through the iHub Global commission back-office.

At that point it was determined that my share was 55.905 HNT.

As you can see the deposit was finalized on May 10th.  iHub Global is still a new company, so the payouts are delayed as they are testing and verifying back-end systems.

This information is available on the public Helium blockchain and can be verified there.

From my HNT wallet I then sold the HNT for market price at the time, it was somewhere in the $16 neighborhood.

After which I transferred the USD into my bank account.

It took a couple of days, its just a regular ACH transaction, but eventually arrived in my account.

Bear in mind that this was all from my 1 single hotspot, with no commissions from referrals.  This was simply the one that I had purchased for myself for right about $535 (with tax and shipping).

It took all of just 2 days, from initial HNT deposit through to ca$h in my bank account.  Only 3 steps that I really had to do, and all through the app.  Probably took all of 15 minutes tops on my end.

The Results?

For my $535 investment, I have cashed out to date $900, though I actually left some HNT in my wallet.  I look to be getting another $900-$1200 this month, depends on the exact cut off dates for payouts.

Realistically I expect every month from this one HotSpot to be getting that $900-$1200.  Though after this point, I'll likely be keeping some in HNT and moving some to other cryptos, just for investment purposes.  I'll be taking somewhere around $500 cash every month, straight into my bank account too.

So is it too good to be true?  Well its really good right now, and yes its very very true.

So are you ready to get in on building out the new IoT network?  Join iHub from the link in the menu.


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