Getting Started: Ok, so How Do I Get Started?

How Do I Get Started?

Ready to make a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month, hosting or owning a hotspot on “The People’s Network” supporting the Internet of Things?  Very little technical knowledge needed.  Knowing about cryptocurrency is a bonus, but not necessary.

Watch this quick video first.  Helium Network Overview

Step 1 - Join us with iHub

Join Now

Get started with an account here.  Its totally free and requires very little information.  This will get your journey started and at the very least get you on the e-mail lists for notifications, zoom calls and webinar notifications.

There is lots of information available on the site and in the back-office.  We have tons more information available, just ask.

Step 2 - Review or Discuss Your Options

If you completed step 1 above, then we’ll reach out to you directly.

Own Your Own Hotspot

For as little as $500 for a single hotspot.  Ask us how you can setup your own sub-network of 2 or more hotspots.

Host a Hotspot

At no cost to you, hosting one of our hotspots in your residence or business in exchange for a monthly cryptocurrency payout.

Referral Opportunities

Earn 10% for anyone that you refer into the network.  Who do you know who would like to earn a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month?

Step 3 - Purchase Your Own Hotspot

In the iHub back-office, where you signed up in step 1, in the menu/sidebar is the option to Order/Reserve Hotspot, and you can then select Reserve a Hotspot.  Right now we are taking pre-orders for our next production run.

Or if you are lucky enough to be in Europe, Australia or the UK, you can still order some immediately.

Step 4 - Setup Your Own Crypto Wallet

If you are already into cryptocurrency, then you probably already have a crypto wallet and/or exchange account.  If you have never user a crypto wallet/exchange, check this post on Crypto Wallets & Exchanges.

If you have ever used any kind of online banking or investment account, this is no more complicated than that.

The ones that currently support HNT (the Helium Network Token) are:




We’ll cover this more in-depth in another post.

Step 5 - Be Patient.

The global microchip shortage and various other supply chain issues due to the 2020 pandemic is effecting our business, just like hundreds or thousands of others.  This is causing a delay in production of the hotspots.

We are seeing delays as long as 6 months on the open market, but with iHub as short as 8-12 weeks.  We have some massive buying power.

In the meantime, read up on more details on our blog: Helium IoT HotSpot


Join Us Now!

Not quite ready yet?  Then register for our FREE WEBINAR SERIES.

If you are ready to own a piece of the peoples network and stake your claim on what will be the largest wireless network in the world, then 



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