Keys To Success Part 1: The Keys to Success in HNT Generation on Your Hotspot

The Keys to Success in HNT Generation from your Hotspot

Keys to Success

Ideally place hotspots in up to 6 locations, within a 2-3 mile circle.  You could do so yourself, if you have the locations or know people who’d be willing to let you place units.  Or if you know 3-4 other people who would be willing the each place 1 unit, in that same 2-3 mile circle, then you can also spread out the costs.

30 day breakeven with 2+ hotspots in proximity

4-6 month breakeven with 1 “lone wolf” hotspot.

You can “lone wolf” it, and depending on your exact location, your results will vary greatly.

1.) The proximity of other hotspots

  • min 300 meters
    • this is a hard min, anything closer ignores each other
  • max 1.5 kilometers
    • this is dependent upon many factors and could extend much further

2.) Elevation/Height of antenna

  • the higher the better is generally correct, but there are a lot of factors that go into it.
  • Check out this article on antennas and placement: One Mans Search

3.) Type of Antenna

Article on Antenna technology:

4.) Unobstructed views.

Give your hotspot a nice view.  A good 2nd story window (for a normal house) is nice.  Outside, with the proper outdoor enclosure and antenna is good.

5.) Read More

Great article on Antennas and Placement: A Rough Guide To Helium Hotspot Placement

6.) Watch More


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