Results: My Results for April 2021 and first week of May 2021.

I got my Helium Hotspot provisioned and setup on April 23rd.  So its been in operation for just about 2 weeks now, as of the posting of this blog.

Check it out: my Itchy Sapphire Reindeer

It's sitting outside on my patio (though my testing has not yet proven that this actually makes any difference) with the stock 2dBi antenna.

To date, its generated about 132 HNT, or around 9 per day.  HOWEVER, I really do not expect this kind of result on an ongoing basis.  I think I got lucky early on.

It's connected to about 14 other devices across the valley.

I have some upgraded antennas coming in the next couple of days and I'll update my results in the next two weeks or so, depending on how things progress with those new antennas.


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