Tech and Install: LoRaWAN vs 5G

The current Helium Hotspot work over the LoRaWAN radio network, at the 915MHz frequency in North America.  Other frequency bands are used in other parts of the world.

This is perfectly safe for organics and approved by the FCC (here in the US), or by the FCC equivalent in other countries.

This is low strength, low power and low bandwidth.

Some new units are coming out with 5G chipsets in them and this may be an item in the future for the Helium network, but nothing on the immediate horizon.  5G is high speed, high bandwidth, high power for high speed WiFi coverage.

The LoRaWAN units are good for low power, low bandwidth sensor type IoT stuff.  The 5G stuff coming along is really for high bandwidth stuff like security cameras, or for providing general 5G coverage.


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