Tech and Install: What are the Risks?


Risk Factors

What are the risk factors involved in this investment?

I see a few key risk factors.

1.) We find out either Helium or iHub are a bunch of scam artists and the company(s) fold.

2.) Competing technologies win out and the Helium network is abandoned.

3.) Mining rewards drop to next to nothing as the market gets over saturated by hotspots.

I don't see #1 as being much of a risk, but it is certainly a possibility.  #2 is probably the most likely candidate and biggest risk factor.  There are lots of competing technologies out there and in many cases there is a race to the top; that said there is also room in the market for more than one technology serving different type of IoT requirements.  #3 is probably a sure likelihood, but I feel like Helium must have a plan for this to ensure the stability of the network.

In any case, I am taking a specific set of measures to ensure that I am not caught in the open should any of these come to pass.

First, I will be taking my initial investments and expenses out of the first HNT payouts that I receive on each device that I put in place.

Second, I'll be taking roughly 50% of the HNT that I earn and after paying any required expenses, moving the balance into cash or other cryptos.

That will leave somewhere less 50% remaining invested in HNT to see where the price point goes.

This plan ensures that I am pulling my costs and expenses out as soon as possible, and that I am skimming some immediate and ongoing profit off the top.  This way, if any of the above come to pass, I will still be ahead in the game.


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