The Quick Rundown

Short and Simple Overview

Watch this short video first: Quick Marketing Overview from Helium, Inc

The Helium Hotspot is a small radio device on the 915mHz frequency supporting the Internet of Things devices, on the Helium blockchain.  It uses a bit of electricity and WiFi, then pays out in the HNT token which can be held or sold on the cryptocurrency markets.

The specific technology is really irrelevant because it does nothing for you personally.  Its there to provide a method for low-power and no-power IoT devices, tags, sensors, etc to get their data to the internet.  You are simply providing the real estate for the network node, along with a bit of electricity and internet data.  If you want a deep dive into the technology, we can go down that road, but it can get very confusing very quickly.

We have a FREE WEBINAR series

For that, the network pays you out a bit of cash every month.  It's a Passive Income Generating machine, that's really all you need to know to do this.

For example one of my hotspots earned over $900 in April 2021 and over $1300 in May 2021, with an expected generation of around $1000 in June (July through Oct have been about $500+ on average) or 2021.  But really I would not expect that all of them will have that level of performance, some will have less, some will have more (or even that this level of earnings will continue as the network grows).  It's much more reasonable to expect to earn $50-$150 per month, every month for years to come.

There are options for hosting a hotspot (earning a 25% commission), or referring other people into the network (earning a 20-35% referral commission).  This is the percentage of the actual hotspot earnings that you would receive.

Signup NOW and reserve your hotspot!

The hotspots are limited to 1 per physical address (I.e. your home or office).  With a minimum recommended spacing of 300 meters.  This is why we are reaching out to all our friends, family, neighbors, and business associates to get in on the opportunity now.

It's a gold rush right now, to secure your place on the network before your next-door neighbors do.

Or if you are ready to join the reserve your spot on the network, you can sign up to join us here: 

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